airbrush painting of dog smoking

BFA Major in Painting & Drawing

Painting & Drawing

Our trans-disciplinary curriculum is designed to prepare you for a future at the forefront of contemporary painting and drawing.


The Painting and Drawing major is an interdisciplinary track that provides students with the resources to explore a dynamic, individualized studio practice. Students begin by learning fundamental skills based upon representation, then expand their work by exploring a variety of materials and self-directed concepts. This major is designed to promote open-ended, introspective work characterized by engagement in critical discourse and the practice of contemporary art.

Students pursuing the Painting and Drawing track learn from professional artists who maintain active studio practices with significant depth of engagement and passion for the visual arts. This major focuses on preparing students for a sustainable studio practice and developing an understanding of their contextual awareness. Upon graduation, students are prepared to begin their careers as exhibiting artists who have the option to continue their education in graduate school, as well as teach at the college level.


  • Develop a personal voice and an understanding of one’s own placement within contemporary painting and drawing.
  • Experiment with a variety of conventional and unconventional painting and drawing media such as: airbrush, masking films, textiles, found materials, and digital printing.
  • Explore scale-based painting and drawing and work in relation to installation, video, or performance.
  • Describe, analyze and interpret relevant criticism and theory regarding race, gender, and queer politics as it pertains to painting and drawing.
  • Gain an increased understanding of the work of 100 diverse international contemporary artists who utilize painting/drawing methods, materials, processes, and practices through collaborative presentations that span: abstraction, figuration, process, and new media work.
  • Become familiar with advanced construction of supports, canvases, and panels relevant to chosen media.
  • Gain knowledge and experience in how alternative media and presentation can be utilized in painting and drawing processes and develop an awareness of new strategies for building and resolving a complete work.

And that is just the beginning. By the time you graduate as a seasoned artist, you will have held exhibitions, learned about grants and residencies, and built an online portfolio of your work. We will help make sure that you are ready to go out and do great things with your craft!

Check out requirements, recommended courses, and more!

Change the world with your brush.

Many Painting & Drawing graduates have pursued careers as studio artists, gallery owners, and arts administrators. Graduates also thrive in entrepreneurial and freelance enterprises. Our trans-disciplinary curriculum is designed to prepare you for a future at the forefront of contemporary painting & drawing.
painting of a girl with a blue background

Tools & Facilities

Painting & Drawing provides:
  • 90% Free oil paints and drawing supplies for intro courses
  • 84″ Canvas roll for sale by yard at a 50% msrp discount 
  • 3 Airbrush kits for checkout
  • Quick access lighting studio for documentation
  • Glass palettes, gesso, rags, gloves, brushes, palette knives provided by department
  • Air compressor, drills, staplers
  • 2 Large painting labs, 2 Drawing Labs
  • 3 Full sized skeletons for anatomy
  • 8’x8′ Gesso table
  • Large format painting racks

After your time at AAC, you’ll be ready to become a…​

Studio Artist


Tattoo Artist

Art Administrator

Instructor or Professor





Art Director

Creative Director

Visiting Artist

Portrait Artist

Medical Illustrator


Need help selecting the perfect programs for you? No problem.

Want to try everything? Have no idea where to start? As the newest member of our community, we’re here to help you. We’ve got years of expertise, and we’ve got your back. Reach out, and our team of experienced mentors will help you design the best academic track possible.
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Due To Inclement Weather

Classes are cancelled

January 25th, 2023

animation of snow falling