Guiding High School Seniors to Art College

October 3, 2022

The Art Academy’s Jordan Gakle, Admissions Counselor & International Coordinator, shares a few experience-based thoughts on how teachers can help their creative students select the Art School that will serve them best for the next stage of their academic development:

The role of teacher or counselor comes with some weight; from helping your students narrow down their choices of potential colleges to fielding their nervous questions, there is no doubt that you play an important part in where students decide to continue their education. Most counselors are accustomed to the application requirements of a traditional college, but you may feel uncertain about how to advise a student on a more niche program, like attending an art school. If you’re looking for a bit of guidance, consider some of the following tips to pass on to your students thinking about going to art school, courtesy of the admissions department here at the Art Academy.

Zoom Out
While it is obviously important to look at the specifics of a program, help your students to zoom out and think about the school as a whole. College is much more than just time spent in the classroom, especially for young artists. Inquiring about clubs, diversity, and opportunities in the surrounding community can paint a clearer picture of what it might look like to be a student at that school. This can be especially crucial for BIPOC, queer, or other marginalized students that are looking for a place where they can find acceptance and solidarity. Other things to consider might include campus size, studio access, and resources for support.

Explore the Work
If a student wants to go to college to make art, then they should probably be excited about the art that’s currently being made at that school! Perusing the school’s website and social media accounts can illuminate what kind of art they are promoting. A school that is a good fit might not have an artist that is making similar work, but they should have artists making work that is stimulating to a potential student.

Get Feedback
No matter where your students apply, it is more than likely that their portfolio will be a determining factor in their admission. Different schools will have different portfolio requirements, so a one-size fits all approach may not work in the same way as a college essay. Help your students to research and organize the guidelines of the schools they’re considering and encourage them to reach out for feedback prior to submitting their applications. Events like National Portfolio Days are great ways for students to connect with a variety of schools and get direct commentary on their portfolios from the people that will be reviewing them during the application season.

If you or your students would like to know more about how the Art Academy of Cincinnati supports its undergraduate in each of the important areas – and all that our curriculum has to offer, please feel free to reach out to our Admissions Team here.

Other destinations: Our Application Page


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