Exhibition News, Faculty News

Ken Henson’s exhibition at Lloyd Library and Museum

February 19, 2014

Ken Henson Emerald Tablet

“The Emerald Tablet”: Solo Art Show by Ken Henson
Exhibition Dates: February 24-May 17, 2014

Cincinnati, OH – January 27, 2014: The Lloyd Library is pleased to announce its upcoming new exhibition, “The Emerald Tablet,” a solo art show by Ken Henson, the first Curtis G. Lloyd Art Fellow.  The show features several new works by Henson, an Art Academy of Cincinnati professor, on the theme of alchemy and astral projection.  Henson’s body of work is driven by his interests in magic and mysticism, of which alchemy is a part.

One of the hallmarks of the Lloyd collection is its great diversity of topics all centered on science.  Ken Henson, a 2013-14 Curtis G. Lloyd Fellow, spent the summer researching alchemy texts in the Lloyd collection, of which there are many.   Henson, already driven by his interests in magic and mysticism, was fascinated by these texts and has created several new artworks based on his experiences with these rare volumes.

Don’t miss this amazing opportunity to see these fantastic new artworks, meet the artist, and hear about how his research experiences fueled the creation of these unique, new pieces.

Plus!  This is the public debut of Henson’s new alchemical treatise, “Alchemy and Astral Projection: Ecstatic Trance in the Hermetic Tradition,” also the result of Henson’s research at the Lloyd.  The Treatise will be on display throughout the show.  To learn more about Ken, visit his website: http://www.artistkenhenson.com/

The show promises to be otherworldly!  If you can’t get away this winter, this might be the perfect staycation!

About the Lloyd: The Lloyd Library and Museum, a 501 (c)3 not-for-profit organization, is a local and regional cultural treasure, which began in the 19th century as a research library for Lloyd Brothers Pharmacists, Inc., one of the leading pharmaceutical companies of the period.  Our mission is to collect and maintain a library of botanical, medical, pharmaceutical, and scientific books and periodicals, and works of allied sciences that serve the scientific research community, as well as constituents of the general public, through library services and programming that bring science, art, and history to life.  For more information, visit the Lloyd website at www.lloydlibrary.org.

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