security front desk

Safety & Security

Rest assured we are committed to safety.

Security at our Facilities

All students, faculty and staff must show a security card in order to enter the main AAC building. The building has only one entrance, which is staffed by security personnel 24-7. Fifteen security cameras cover all areas of the building and are monitored by front-desk staff and security officers.

Lost your ID card?

Security Personnel

Security officers supervise the building 24 hours, 7 days a week. A security officer is on duty during weekdays, weekends and overnight hours. 

If a student has an emergency, they should call us immediately:

DESK PHONE: 513-562-6279

Security services can escort students between the AAC and their car, their residence hall, nearby bus stops, or other reasonable locations as requested.

For a security escort call: 

DESK PHONE: 513-562-6279 


Import our AAC Security Contact to your phones for emergency use:

Healthcare & Insurance

All AAC students are responsible for securing their own health insurance to be in place during all terms of academic enrollment. The AAC does not provide student health insurance, but the Director of Student Services can assist students in researching healthcare options.

Federal Regulations

See our Title IX hub for all information regarding Art Academy of Cincinnati’s compliance with the federal regulations outlined in Title IX, the Clery Act, and the Violence Against Women Act.

Annual Safety Report

The AAC published an annual report on safety, security, and fire safety.

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Due To Inclement Weather

Classes are cancelled

January 25th, 2023

animation of snow falling