AAC News

2020 Wilder Traveling Award

May 6, 2020
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Stephen H. Wilder Traveling Scholarship

The Art Academy of Cincinnati is pleased to announce that seniors Jordan Haworth-Zermeno and Kile McVey are the recipients of the 2020 Stephen H. Wilder Traveling Award, one of the most coveted awards given to graduating seniors.

Jordon Haworth-Zermeno will travel to Tala, Jalisco Mexico, to build a partnership with local schools to create murals, and art classes for students ages 10 – 17 during their summer break. Haworth-Zermeno’s mother was born in Tala and as a child, they would visit frequently. The town square was vibrant with parties, people, and murals painted everywhere. After a recent visit, Haworth-Zermeno found the square desolate. The vibrant colors that once covered the town had faded. Through the partnerships with local schools in Tala, they hope to revive the art scene that had once thrived in Tala.

Kile McVey will travel to San Francisco in preparation for the second volume of, Queer Boy Joy. San Francisco is a hub of Queer culture and is home to an astounding amount of organizations and networks for research on Queer issues and ideas of the past and present. Some of these sources are the GLBT Historical Society and Museum, the Bay Area Lesbian Archives, the National AIDS Memorial, and the Transgender Law

About Wilder Traveling Scholarship

The Stephen H. Wilder Traveling Scholarship was first awarded in 1947.
In 1941 Edith Carson Wilder endowed the scholarship in memory of her husband. In turn, it was specified the scholarship be given to deserving students for travel.

Funds serve as a travel stipend for special research in fine art or design in the United States or abroad.

Each applicant must submit a proposal that includes a budget, itinerary, senior thesis, and portfolio. In addition, students must submit a description of how the experience will benefit their artistic goals.
Full-time faculty members, the Academic Dean, and the President vote to select the winners of this award.

We want to give a special thanks Dottie Stevens and her family for their supporting the Wilder scholarship. The endowment will continue to support and inspire the future for students at the Cincinnati Art Academy for generations yet to come.

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