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Brittnee Renee

February 26, 2018

Photo By, Nikki Nesbit

“I love the Art Academy because I’ve been introduced to some of my best friends that I’ll keep forever and I’ve come across all walks of life the past 4 years I’ve attended. I look at art from all different perspectives now because of critiques and hearing the many different opinions of my peers.”

-Brittnee Renee

Brittany Walker is an African American photographer born in Long Beach, California and raised in Toledo, Ohio. Her photography started off being predominantly street photography, further gravitating towards portraits of people. She really appreciates the beauty in people, and wants to share this beauty with her audience. She also enjoys fashion photography because she believes fashion and models are a representation of beauty and set beauty standards. She wants her photos to represent all kinds of people, especially those with darker skin complexions because for so long “we have been told we aren’t beautiful and are undesirable to the world”. She aims to inspire others and make a difference with her photos by representing people who feel like they can’t conquer a field dominated by people who claim they have no value.

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