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“Make Me Up,” Work by AAC Senior The’Shima Craver

January 19, 2016
Alum The'Shima Craver

“Inspired” is the word that might best describe The’Shima Craver’s work. The Senior Art Academy of Cincinnati Illustration major has been using her art to explore social issues in the world around her.

Through her combination of poetry and visual art, Craver confronts tough subjects by drawing on her own struggles while grappling with various issues.

“As an attempt to influence others to be more comfortable with their self, I have been exposing myself and or struggles through my work,” Craver wrote in her artist statement.

Recently, her work has evolved, pairing her powerful poetry with video pieces that help illustrate her words. Check out a brief Q&A with Craver below to learn more about her experience at the Art Academy of Cincinnati.

Make Me Up. from Art Academy Cincinnati on Vimeo.

Q: Why did you choose the Art Academy?

I visited the Art Academy for a portfolio review day, and during the visit I decided that the Art Academy was going to be the place where I built my foundation. It was the environment that helped me make my decision, as soon as I stepped in I wanted to create and invent more. Lastly I felt that this would be a place where I wouldn’t be ridiculed for expressing myself freely.


Q: Can you share how your time at AAC has inspired your work?

An experience I’ve had here at the Art Academy that I would not have been able to experience anywhere else is being exposed to poetry and art simultaneously. Whether it be a gallery opening, poetry group, or even an open mic, I think that little things like this is what makes the Art Academy unique.

The genuine support I receive from my instructors has allowed me to comfortable with introducing my spoken word poetry to my visual work. Ultimately I would say that I’ve grown as an individual and artist/poet.


Q: If you could tell an incoming student anything, what would it be?

I would say to come here with an open mind, be able to extend oneself and to be receptive of change.


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