graphic designs for sam cooke record box set

Associate of Science in Graphic Design

Graphic Design

Two year associates degree


The Art Academy of Cincinnati grants an Associate of Science in Graphic Design. It is a two-year program that provides students with a combination of Liberal Arts and Studio courses to become confident in the practice of graphic design. Acceptance into the program involves the same requirements as the BFA. Students have the opportunity to continue seamlessly beyond the Associate of Science in Graphic Design into the BFA in Design (two additional years) to further their design foundation and competitive advantage in the field. This degree is ideal for students who hold a bachelor’s degree or have studied in related fields such as marketing, psychology, humanities, business, or natural sciences. During the two-year period, students working toward the A.S. in Graphic Design share classes with our students in the BFA program.

Check out requirements, recommended courses, and more!

Change the world with your designs.

Graduates thrive in entrepreneurial and freelance enterprises and in related creative industries such as: architecture, exhibitry and display, multi-media marketing, film, publication, and entertainment industries.
woman designer sitting a table in from of her wall design

After your time at AAC, you’ll be ready to become a…​

Art Director

Creative Director

Graphic Designer

Marketing Manager

Digital Designer

Brand Manager

Social Media Manager


Web developer

Packaging Designer

Print Designer

Advertising Designer

User Interface Designer

User Experience Designer


Need help selecting the perfect programs for you? No problem.

Want to try everything? Have no idea where to start? As the newest member of our community, we’re here to help you. We’ve got years of expertise, and we’ve got your back. Reach out, and our team of experienced mentors will help you design the best academic track possible.
art academy of cincinnati college of art and design logo
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Due To Inclement Weather

Classes are cancelled

January 25th, 2023

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